物联网、大数据分析、区块链和人工智能等颠覆性技术正在改变企业的运营方式。在所有的颠覆性技术中,人工智能(AI)是最新的技术颠覆者,具有巨大的营销转型潜力,其逐渐成为优化市场营销决策、提升消费者体验、构建并保持客户关系的关键因素。然而,人工智能虽然为营销带来了许多益处,但弊端也在不断显现。例如,消费者对AI的认知以及公司对AI应用的限制性,这些都是学者们广泛研究的话题。尽管学者在人工智能营销领域的研究已经取得了一些进展,但由于其应用历史相对较短,仍然存在着研究成果缺乏系统性的整合、缺乏关键的文献、相关概念的混淆、研究焦点和发展路径的不清晰等问题。由此,一个系统的文献综述可以强调人工智能(AI)在市场营销中的重要性,并描绘出未来的研究方向。本研究旨在利用Citespace对2010年至2023年出版的国内有关人工智能营销现存文献进行全面综述,另外,我们将国外的部分文献分成四个方面进行综述,旨在探究两个问题:1) AI技术在营销领域的国内外发展现状。2) 对未来研究方向进行展望。Disruptive technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data analytics, blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the way businesses operate. Among these disruptive technologies, AI stands as the newest game-changer, boasting immense potential for marketing transformation, gradually emerging as a pivotal factor in optimizing marketing decisions, enhancing consumer experiences, and fostering lasting customer relationships. However, while AI brings numerous benefits to marketing, its drawbacks are also becoming increasingly apparent, exemplified by consumers’ perceptions of AI and companies’ limitations in applying it, both of which are subjects of extensive scholarly inquiry. Despite advancements in AI marketing research, the relatively short history of its application has led to issues like a lack of systematic integration of research findings, scarcity of key literature, confusion over related concepts, and unclear research foci and developmental pathways. Consequently, a systematic literature review can underscore the significance of AI in marketing and chart the course for future research directions. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive review of domestic literature on AI marketing published from 2010 to 2023 using Citespace. Additionally, we will summarize selected international literature under four aspects, addressing two core questions: 1) the current state of AI development in marketing both domestically and internationally;2) a prognosis of future research directions.