随着算法技术的迭代升级与电子商务平台的发展普及,信息数据逐渐成为数字经济时代的新型生产要素。出于资本逐利目的,电子商务平台滥用算法实行“大数据杀熟”行为层出不穷。针对“大数据杀熟”行为,我国现行《民法典》《价格法》《反垄断法》的相关规定均难以真正有效施行。基于此,本文以保护消费者权益为出发点,通过对“大数据杀熟”行为模式的梳理,归纳其本质系电子商务平台不当利用消费者个人信息的侵权行为。在此基础上,深入探讨“大数据杀熟”行为的现状困境:部分格式条款存在非正当性、个人信息的界定范畴存在争议和一般侵权的证明责任分配不合理,进而从立法、执法与司法层面入手,对治理“大数据杀熟”行为提出对策建议。With the iterative upgrading of algorithm technology and the development and popularization of e-commerce platforms, information data has gradually become a new type of production factor in the era of digital economy. For the purpose of profit-seeking capital, e-commerce platforms have abused algorithms to carry out “big data-driven price gouging” behaviors in an endless stream. In response to the behavior of “big data-driven price gouging”, it is difficult to implement the relevant provisions of China’s existing Civil Code, Price Law, and Anti-Monopoly Law, effectively. Based on this, this paper takes the protection of consumers’ rights and interests as the starting point, and through the combing of “big data ripening” behavioral pattern, summarizes its essence as the infringement of improper use of consumers’ personal information in e-commerce platforms. On this basis, the current dilemma of the “big data ripening” behavior is discussed in depth: the existence of non-legitimacy in some of the format terms and conditions, the controversy over the definition of personal information and the unreasonable distribution of the burden of proof for general infringement, and then the legislation, law enforcement and judicial level, and countermeasures and proposals for the governance of the “big data ripening” behavior are put forward. Then, from the legislative, law enforcement and judicial levels, it puts forward countermeasure suggestions to govern the “big data-driven price gouging” behavior.