Muscle Spindle
Physiological System
Stationary Stochastic Process
Golgi Tendon Organ
Intrafusal Fiber
In the human, the antagonistic, extensor-flexor system of the leg is an example of a common type of neurophysiological feedback system. After a brief introduction to the neuroanatomy and physiology of this feedback system, the paper formulates transfer functions from temporal response data available in the literature. A feedback stability analysis, based on the extension of Nyquist's stability criteria to multiple-loop systems and utilizing flow-graph techniques, demonstrates the stable behavior of the system. Expressions are given relating the sensitivity of the system to variations in muscle response and Golgi tendon organ (tension receptor) response. By considering the events taking place at synapses and end-plates during "isometric tension-small knee angle excursion" conditions as stationary stochastic processes, an external "noise" input to the system is given, whose spectrum is derived from the statistics of a shot-process representation of these events. The paper concludes with some correlations between the analytical results and clinical syndromes. © 1959 University of Chicago.