External validation of a model for selecting day 3 embryos for transfer based upon deep learning and time-lapse imaging
作者全名:"Zhu, Jiahong; Wu, Lihong; Liu, Junxia; Liang, Yanfeng; Zou, Jiayi; Hao, Xiangwei; Huang, Guoning; Han, Wei"
作者地址:"[Zhu, Jiahong; Wu, Lihong; Liu, Junxia; Liang, Yanfeng; Zou, Jiayi; Hao, Xiangwei; Huang, Guoning; Han, Wei] Chongqing Hlth Ctr Women & Children, Chongqing Clin Res Ctr Reprod Med, Chongqing, Peoples R China; [Zhu, Jiahong; Wu, Lihong; Liu, Junxia; Liang, Yanfeng; Zou, Jiayi; Hao, Xiangwei; Huang, Guoning; Han, Wei] Chongqing Med Univ, Ctr Reprod Med, Chongqing Key Lab Human Embryo Engn, Women & Childrens Hosp, Chongqing, Peoples R China"
通信作者:"Huang, GN; Han, W (通讯作者),Chongqing Hlth Ctr Women & Children, Chongqing Clin Res Ctr Reprod Med, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Huang, GN; Han, W (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Ctr Reprod Med, Chongqing Key Lab Human Embryo Engn, Women & Childrens Hosp, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
关键词:Conventional morphological assessment; Day 3 embryos; Deep learning; Objective embryo assessment; Pregnancy prediction
摘要:"Research question: Could objective embryo assessment using iDAScore Version 2.0 perform as well as conventional morphological assessment?Design: A retrospective cohort study of fresh day 3 embryo transfer cycles was conducted at a large reproductive medicine centre. In total, 7786 embryos from 4328 cycles with known implantation data were cultured in a time-lapse incubator and included in the study. Fetal heartbeat (FHB) rate was analysed retrospectively using iDAScore Version 2.0 and conventional morphological assessment associated with the transferred embryos. The pregnancy-prediction performance of the two assessment methods was compared using area under the curve (AUC) values for predicting FHB.Results: AUC values were significantly higher for iDAScore compared with morphological assessment for all cycles (0.62 versus 0.60; P = 0.005), single-embryo transfer cycles (0.63 versus 0.60; P = 0.043) and double-embryo transfer cycles (0.61 versus 0.59; P = 0.012). For the age subgroups, AUC values were significantly higher for iDAScore compared with morphological assessment in the <35 years subgroup (0.62 versus 0.60; P = 0.009); however, no significant difference was found in the >= 35 years subgroup. In terms of the number of blastomeres, AUC values were significantly higher for iDAScore compared with morphological assessment for both the <8c subgroup (0.67 versus 0.56; P < 0.001) and the >= 8c subgroup (0.58 versus 0.55; P = 0.012).Conclusions: iDAScore Version 2.0 performed as well as, or better than, conventional morphological assessment in fresh day 3 embryo transfer cycles. iDAScore Version 2.0 may therefore constitute a promising tool for selecting embryos with the highest likelihood of implantation."
基金机构:"Chongqing Health Centre for Women and Children [2020YJQN09]; Basic Research and Frontier Exploration Project of Yuzhong District, Chongqing [20190143]; Chongqing Health Committee [2021MSXM108]"
基金资助正文:"This work was supported by Chongqing Health Centre for Women and Children (Grant No. 2020YJQN09) , Basic Research and Frontier Exploration Project of Yuzhong District, Chongqing (Grant No. 20190143) and Chongqing Health Committee (Grant No. 2021MSXM108)"