Malaria resistance-related biological adaptation and complex evolutionary footprints inferred from one integrative Tai-Kadai-related genomic resource

作者全名:"Duan, Shuhan; Wang, Mengge; Wang, Zhiyong; Liu, Yan; Jiang, Xiucheng; Su, Haoran; Cai, Yan; Sun, Qiuxia; Sun, Yuntao; Li, Xiangping; Chen, Jing; Zhang, Yijiu; Yan, Jiangwei; Nie, Shengjie; Hu, Liping; Tang, Renkuan; Yun, Libing; Wang, Chuan-Chao; Liu, Chao; Yang, Junbao; He, Guanglin"

作者地址:"[Duan, Shuhan; Liu, Yan; Jiang, Xiucheng; Su, Haoran; Cai, Yan; Liu, Chao; Yang, Junbao; He, Guanglin] North Sichuan Med Coll, Inst Basic Med & Forens Med, North Sichuan Med Coll, Affiliated Hosp, Nanchong 637007, Sichuan, Peoples R China; [Duan, Shuhan; Liu, Yan; Su, Haoran; Cai, Yan; Liu, Chao; Yang, Junbao; He, Guanglin] Affiliated Hosp North Sichuan Med Coll, Ctr Genet & Prenatal Diag, Nanchong 637007, Sichuan, Peoples R China; [Duan, Shuhan; Wang, Mengge; Liu, Yan; Jiang, Xiucheng; Su, Haoran; Sun, Qiuxia; Sun, Yuntao; Li, Xiangping; Chen, Jing; Zhang, Yijiu; He, Guanglin] Sichuan Univ, West China Hosp, Inst Rare Dis, Chengdu 610000, Peoples R China; [Cai, Yan; Yun, Libing; Yang, Junbao; He, Guanglin] North Sichuan Med Coll, Res Ctr Genom Med, Nanchong 637100, Peoples R China; [Sun, Qiuxia; Zhang, Yijiu; Tang, Renkuan] Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Basic Med, Dept Forens Med, Chongqing 400331, Peoples R China; [Chen, Jing; Yan, Jiangwei] Shanxi Med Univ, Sch Forens Med, Jinzhong, Peoples R China; [Wang, Zhiyong; Li, Xiangping; Nie, Shengjie; Hu, Liping] Kunming Med Univ, Sch Forens Med, Kunming 650500, Peoples R China; [Sun, Yuntao] Sichuan Univ, West China Sch Basic Med Sci & Forens Med, Chengdu 610041, Peoples R China; [Wang, Chuan-Chao] Xiamen Univ, Natl Inst Data Sci Hlth & Med, Sch Life Sci, State Key Lab Cellular Stress Biol, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, Peoples R China; [Wang, Mengge] Antidrug Technol Ctr Guangdong Prov, Guangzhou 510230, Peoples R China; [Wang, Chuan-Chao] Sichuan Univ, Ctr Archaeol Sci, Chengdu 610000, Peoples R China"

通信作者:"Liu, C; Yang, JB; He, GL (通讯作者),North Sichuan Med Coll, Inst Basic Med & Forens Med, North Sichuan Med Coll, Affiliated Hosp, Nanchong 637007, Sichuan, Peoples R China.; Liu, C; Yang, JB; He, GL (通讯作者),Affiliated Hosp North Sichuan Med Coll, Ctr Genet & Prenatal Diag, Nanchong 637007, Sichuan, Peoples R China.; Wang, MG; He, GL (通讯作者),Sichuan Univ, West China Hosp, Inst Rare Dis, Chengdu 610000, Peoples R China.; Wang, MG (通讯作者),Antidrug Technol Ctr Guangdong Prov, Guangzhou 510230, Peoples R China."












关键词:Biological adaptation; Genetic admixture; Population history; Tai-Kadai people; Malaria resistance

摘要:"Pathogen-host adaptative interactions and complex population demographical processes, including admixture, drift, and Darwen selection, have considerably shaped the Neolithic-toModern Western Eurasian population structure and genetic susceptibility to modern human diseases. However, the genetic footprints of evolutionary events in East Asia remain unknown due to the underrepresentation of genomic diversity and the design of large-scale population studies. We reported one aggregated database of genome-wide SNP variations from 796 Tai-Kadai (TK) genomes, including that of Bouyei first reported here, to explore the genetic history, population structure, and biological adaptative features of TK people from southern China and Southeast Asia. We found geography-related population substructure among TK people using the state-ofthe-art population genetic structure reconstruction techniques based on the allele frequency spectrum and haplotype-resolved phased fragments. We found that the northern TK people from Guizhou harbored one TK-dominant ancestry maximized in the Bouyei people, and the southern TK people from Thailand were more influenced by Southeast Asians and indigenous people. We reconstructed fitted admixture models and demographic graphs, which showed that TK people received gene flow from ancient southern rice farmer -related lineages related to the Hmong-Mien and Austroasiatic people and from northern millet farmers associated with the Sino-Tibetan people. Biological adaptation focused on our identified unique TK lineages related to Bouyei, which showed many adaptive signatures conferring Malaria resistance and low -rate lipid metabolism. Further gene enrichment, the allele frequency distribution of derived alleles, and their correlation with the incidence of Malaria further confirmed that CR1 played an essential role in the resistance of Malaria in the ancient ""Baiyue"" tribes."

基金机构:"National Natural Science Foundation of China [82202078]; Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China [23 ZD203]; Open project of the Key Laboratory of Forensic Genetics of the Ministry of Public Security [2022FGKFKT05]; Center for Archaeological Science of Sichuan University [23SASA01]; The 1.3.5 Project for Disciplines of Excellence, West China Hospital, Sichuan University [ZYJC20002]; Sichuan Science and Technology Program; City-school science and technology strategic cooperation projects [22SXQT0351]"

基金资助正文:"This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82202078) and the Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (23 & ZD203) , the Open project of the Key Laboratory of Forensic Genetics of the Ministry of Public Security (2022FGKFKT05) , the Center for Archaeological Science of Sichuan University (23SASA01) , the 1.3.5 Project for Disciplines of Excellence, West China Hospital, Sichuan University (ZYJC20002) , Sichuan Science and Technology Program. This work was also supported by city-school science and technology strategic cooperation projects (22SXQT0351) . We thank Prof. Mark Stoneking, Prof. Dang Liu at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, and Prof. Wibhu Kutanan at Khon Kaen University for sharing genome-wide SNP data from Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos. We thank Prof. Etienne Patin and Prof. Lluis Quintana-Murci from the Human Evolutionary Genetics Unit of the Institute Pasteur for sharing the high-coverage genomes of 317 individuals from the Pacific region."