Social contagions on higher-order community networks

作者全名:"Li, Jiachen; Li, Wenjie; Gao, Feng; Cai, Meng; Zhang, Zengping; Liu, Xiaoyang; Wang, Wei"

作者地址:"[Li, Jiachen; Li, Wenjie; Wang, Wei] Chongqing Med Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China; [Gao, Feng] Chongqing Univ Arts & Sci, Sch Artificial Intelligence, Chongqing 402160, Peoples R China; [Cai, Meng] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Humanities & Social Sci, Xian 710049, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Zengping] Inner Mongolia Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Comp & Informat Management, Hohhot 010070, Peoples R China; [Liu, Xiaoyang] Chongqing Univ Technol, Chongqing 400054, Peoples R China"

通信作者:"Wang, W (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China."












关键词:Social contagion; Community structure; Higher-order networks; Dimension reduction

摘要:"Extensive real -world analysis has revealed that wide community structures and higher -order interactions can be captured by the higher -order community networks. However, the roles of the higher -order community networks in shaping social contagions are still lacking a systematic study of the strongly nonlinear characteristics of the dynamical system. We first propose a simplicial threshold model to describe the dynamics of social contagion on higher -order community networks and then provide a dimension -reduction approach to accurately and qualitatively describe the dynamical process. Both numerical analysis and theoretical results indicate that a hysteresis loop exists in the social contagion. The higher -order structural characteristic significantly reduces the gap between the threshold points. With the increase of higher -order interactions, the outbreak threshold in the network decreases. Furthermore, the stronger the community structure, the more it facilitates information spreading, demonstrating that enhancing community structure strength contributes to more efficient dissemination."

基金机构:Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of Chongqing Munic-ipal Education Commission [24SKGH048]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [61903266]

基金资助正文:We would like to acknowledge the partial support from Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of Chongqing Munic-ipal Education Commission in 2024 (No. 24SKGH048) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61903266) .