IL-27 mediates immune response of pneumococcal vaccine SPY1 through Th17 and memory CD4<SUP>+</SUP>T cells
作者:"Zhang, YY; Gao, S; Yao, SF; Weng, DL; Wang, Y; Huang, Q; Zhang, XM; Wang, H; Xu, WC"
通讯作者:"Xu, WC (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Sch Lab Med, Key Lab Lab Med Diagnost Designated, Minist Educ, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:ISCIENCE  卷:26  页:19  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:4.6  JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:
Role of Kupffer cells in tolerance induction after liver transplantation
作者:"Zheng, WX; Yang, LX; Jiang, SM; Chen, MX; Li, JZ; Liu, ZJ; Wu, ZJ; Gong, JP; Chen, Y"
通讯作者:"Chen, Y (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Hepatobiliary Surg, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
文献类型:Review  影响因子:4.6  JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS
"Pd-catalyzed enantioselective [4+4] dipolar cycloaddition of aliphatic 1,4-dipoles with azadienes to access eight-membered N-heterocycles"
作者:"Chen, GH; Ye, Y; Zhang, DX; Li, HJ; Zhang, N; Liang, GJ; Zhang, D; Zhou, J; Zhou, H"
通讯作者:"Zhang, D; Zhou, J; Zhou, H (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Pharm, Chongqing Res Ctr Pharmaceut Engn, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS    页:5  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:CHEMISTRY
Association between adherence to Eat-Lancet diet and incidence and mortality of lung cancer: A prospective cohort study
作者:"Xiao, Y; Peng, LL; Xu, ZQ; Tang, YH; He, HM; Gu, HT; Wang, YX; Xiang, L"
通讯作者:"Wang, YX (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Dept Gastrointestinal Surg, 288 Tianwen Ave, Chongqing 400010, Peoples R China.; Xiang, L (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Dept Clin Nutr, 288 Tianwen Ave, Chongqing 400010, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:CANCER SCIENCE    页:12  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Understanding the molecular pathogenesis of primary central nervous system lymphoma by experimental animal models
作者:"Wu, D; Liu, DH; Tateishi, K; Qi, F; Yang, F; Ke, C; You, H"
通讯作者:"You, H (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Natl Clin Res Ctr Child Hlth & Disorders, Dept Pediat Hematol & Oncol, China Int Sci & Technol Cooperat Base Child Dev &, 136 Zhongshan Second Rd, Chongqing 401122, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY    页:15  出版年:2023
文献类型:Review; Early Access    JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS
Ethanol Causes Cell Death and Neuronal Differentiation Defect During Initial Neurogenesis of the Neural Retina by Disrupting Calcium Signaling in Human Retinal Organoids
作者:"Gong, Y; Ge, LL; Li, QY; Gong, J; Chen, M; Gao, H; Kang, JH; Yu, T; Li, JW; Xu, HW"
通讯作者:"Xu, HW (通讯作者),Third Mil Med Univ, Army Med Univ, Southwest Hosp, Southwest Eye Hosp, Chongqing 400038, Peoples R China.; Xu, HW (通讯作者),Key Lab Visual Damage & Regenerat & Restorat Chong, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Li, JW (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Ophthalmol, Univ Town Hosp, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:STEM CELL REVIEWS AND REPORTS    页:17  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS
Advances in lung adenocarcinoma: A novel perspective on prognoses and immune responses of CENPO as an oncogenic superenhancer
作者:"Shi, TD; Hu, ZX; Tian, L; Yang, YL"
通讯作者:"Yang, YL (通讯作者),Kunming Med Univ, Dept Thorac Surg, Affiliated Hosp 1, Kunming 650032, Yunnan, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY  卷:34  页:16  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:4.5  JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Effect of statin treatment on clinical outcomes in cardioembolic stroke with endovascular thrombectomy
作者:"Gong, C; Liu, C; Wang, Y; Chen, LY; Yuan, JX; Zhang, J; Li, XM; Chen, YR; Huang, LP; Xu, T; Chen, YM"
通讯作者:"Xu, T; Chen, YM (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Neurol, Affiliated Hosp 2, Chongqing 400010, Peoples R China."
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Programmed cell death of periodontal ligament cells
作者:"He, W; Fu, Y; Yao, S; Huang, L"
通讯作者:"Huang, L (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, 426,North Songshi Rd,Yubei Dist, Chongqing 401147, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY    页:20  出版年:2023
文献类型:Review; Early Access    JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS
ARNTL inhibits the malignant behaviors of oral cancer by regulating autophagy in an AKT/mTOR pathway-dependent manner
作者:"Chen, KC; Li, HX; Li, YH; Yang, ZY; Luo, J; Zhou, Z"
通讯作者:"Luo, J; Zhou, Z (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Stomatol Hosp, 5 Shangqingsi Rd, Chongqing 400015, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:CANCER SCIENCE    页:10  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
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