Low-intensity focused ultrasound-assisted dox-piperine amplified therapy on anaplastic thyroid carcinoma by hybird tumor-targeting nanoparticles

作者全名:"Zhu, Lingyu; Wang, Qimeihui; Sui, Guoqing; Teng, Dengke; Li, Hequn; Wang, Yang; Dong, Peng; Ran, Haitao; Wang, Zhigang; Wang, Hui"

作者地址:"[Zhu, Lingyu; Wang, Qimeihui; Sui, Guoqing; Teng, Dengke; Li, Hequn; Wang, Yang; Dong, Peng; Wang, Hui] Jilin Univ, China Japan Union Hosp, Dept Ultrasound, Changchun 130033, Jilin, Peoples R China; [Ran, Haitao; Wang, Zhigang] Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Chongqing Key Lab Ultrasound Mol Imaging, Chongqing 400010, Peoples R China; [Wang, Hui] Jilin Univ, China Japan Union Hosp, Dept Ultrasound, 126 Xiantai St, Changchun 130033, Jilin, Peoples R China"

通信作者:"Wang, H (通讯作者),Jilin Univ, China Japan Union Hosp, Dept Ultrasound, 126 Xiantai St, Changchun 130033, Jilin, Peoples R China."












关键词:Multiple drug resistance; Piperine; PAMAM dendrimer; Photoacoustic imaging; Liposomes; Traditional Chinese medicine; Nanomedicine; LIFU

摘要:"Therapies against anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) have been sticking in the predicament of multiple drug resistance (MDR). To address multiple drug resistance and promote therapeutic efficiency, we developed a novel nanoparticle with properties of spatial-temporally controlled release based on poly (amido amine) dendrimers-G4(PAMAM-G4) & Low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU) and synergistic killing effect by the combination of Dox and Piperine (PIP).Methods: We synthesized a core-shell-structured nanoparticle named PD@L-P-IR by thin film hydration-sonoseismic method, where the core was consisted of PAMAM-G4 encapsulating Dox and the shell was formed by IR780-PIP-co-loaded bilayer lipid membrane. The therapeutic efficacy and biosafety of nanoparticles were evaluated by cell experiments and xenograft tumor nude mouse model experiments.Results: Data showed that, with the intervention by LIFU, tumor-targeting dual-drug-loaded nanoparticles termed as PD@L-P-IR exhibited superior therapeutic effect over non-tumor-targeting dual-drug-loaded nanoparticles termed as PD@L-P and remarkable advantages over non-tumor-targeting Dox-loaded-only nanoparticles termed as PAMAM-Dox, both in vitro and in vivo. With the addition of IR780, PD@L-P-IR NPs showed reduced side effects caused by drug-leakage, enhanced tumor-specific therapeutic effects and granted praiseworthy PA im-aging capacity. Moreover, PD@L-P-IR possesses sound biocompatibility and biosafety.Conclusion: PD@L-P-IR has yielded great prospects in future treatment of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and the potential of visualized therapy."

基金机构:"Health Project of Jilin Province, China [2021SCZ26, 2020SCZ08]"

基金资助正文:"The authors thank Chongqing Key Laboratory of Ultrasound Molec- ular for providing the laboratory. The authors are grateful to Dr. Qinqin Jiang, Liang Zhang and Jingxin Hou for assistance in technical support with i. v. injection of mice and lipid film synthesis. This study was supported by Health Project of Jilin Province, China (Grant No. 2021SCZ26 and No. 2020SCZ08) ."