"Analysis of 21 Patients With Alcoholic Marchiafava-Bignami Disease in Chongqing, China"

作者全名:"Wu, Xiaohui; Li, Wenju; Wang, Yuzhu; Zhou, Fu; Chen, Xuan; Xi, Zhi-Qin"

作者地址:"[Wu, Xiaohui; Wang, Yuzhu; Zhou, Fu; Chen, Xuan; Xi, Zhi-Qin] Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Neurol, Chongqing, Peoples R China; [Li, Wenju] Army Med Univ, Army Med Ctr, Dept Emergency Med, Chongqing, Peoples R China"

通信作者:"Xi, ZQ (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Neurol, Chongqing, Peoples R China."











文献类型:Article; Early Access

关键词:Marchiafava-Bignami disease; alcoholic; clinical characteristics; prognosis; MRI findings

摘要:"Objective:This study aimed to investigate the characteristics and prognosis of patients with alcoholic Marchiafava-Bignami disease (MBD), a rare neurological disorder commonly associated with chronic alcoholism, in Chongqing, China.Methods:We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical data from 21 alcoholic MBD patients treated at the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing University between 2012 and 2022.Results:The study included 21 patients with alcoholic MBD who had a mean age of 59 & PLUSMN; 9.86 years and an average drinking history of 35.48 & PLUSMN; 8.65 years. Acute onset was observed in 14 (66.7%) patients. The primary clinical signs observed were psychiatric disorders (66.7%), altered consciousness (61.9%), cognitive disorders (61.9%), and seizures (42.9%). Magnetic resonance imaging revealed long T1 and long T2 signal changes in the corpus callosum, with lesions predominantly found in the genu (76.2%) and splenium (71.4%) of the corpus callosum. The poor prognosis group demonstrated an increased incidence of altered consciousness (100% vs 50%, P = 0.044), pyramidal signs (80% vs 18.8%, P = 0.011), and pneumonia (100% vs 31.3%, P = 0.007). Patients with a longer drinking history (45.0 & PLUSMN; 10.0 years vs 32.69 & PLUSMN; 5.99 years, p = 0.008) and a lower thiamine dose (p = 0.035) had a poorer prognosis at 1 year.Conclusions:This study identified altered consciousness, pyramidal signs, and pneumonia as predictors of a poor prognosis in patients with alcoholic MBD. A longer duration of alcohol consumption and inadequate thiamine supplementation were associated with a poorer prognosis. Analyse de 21 patients atteints de la maladie de Marchiafava-Bignami a Chongqing en Chine.Objectif :Cette etude vise a etudier les caracteristiques et le pronostic de patients de Chongqing (Chine) qui sont atteints de la maladie de Marchiafava-Bignami (MMB), un trouble neurologique rare communement associe a l'alcoolisme chronique.Methodes :Nous avons ainsi effectue une analyse retrospective des donnees cliniques de 21 patients alcooliques atteints de la MMB et traites au First Affiliated Hospital de l'Universite Chongqing entre 2012 et 2022.Resultats :On l'a dit, l'etude a porte sur 21 patients atteints de la MMB dont l'age moyen etait de 59 & PLUSMN; 9,86 ans et dont l'historique de consommation d'alcool totalisait 35,48 & PLUSMN; 8,65 ans. Des signes cliniques apparus soudainement ont ete observes chez 14 patients (66,7 %). Les principaux signes observes etaient des troubles psychiatriques (66,7 %), une alteration de la conscience (61,9 %), des troubles cognitifs (61,9 %) et des crises d'epilepsie (42,9 %). Des examens d'IRM ont par ailleurs revele des modifications du signal T1 long et T2 long dans le corps calleux avec des lesions predominantes dans le & DLANGBRAC; genou & drangbrac; (76,2 %) et le splenium (71,4 %) du corps calleux. Le groupe de patients dont le pronostic etait mauvais a presente une incidence accrue de troubles de la conscience (100 % contre 50 %, p = 0,044), de signes d'atteinte pyramidale (80 % contre 18,8 %, p = 0,011) et de pneumonie (100 % contre 31,3 %, p = 0,007). De plus, les patients ayant un historique de consommation d'alcool plus long (45,0 & PLUSMN; 10,0 ans contre 32,69 & PLUSMN; 5,99 ans, p = 0,008) et une dose de thiamine plus faible (p = 0,035) avaient un pronostic plus defavorable au bout d'un an.Conclusions :Cette etude a identifie les troubles de la conscience, les signes d'atteinte pyramidale et la pneumonie comme des facteurs predictifs d'un mauvais pronostic chez les patients atteints de la MMB. Un historique plus long de consommation d'alcool ainsi qu'une supplementation inadequate en thiamine ont ete associes a un pronostic plus defavorable."

基金机构:We would like to express our gratitude to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University for providing us with access to the patientsamp;apos; case records.

基金资助正文:We would like to express our gratitude to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University for providing us with access to the patients & apos; case records.