Effect of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy on the acoustic environment in tissue of prostate cancer: a study of histopathological characteristics

作者全名:"Zou, Longquan; Chen, Wei; Fu, Guangqing; Han, Dengjun; Zeng, Xiang; Zhang, Cai; Gong, Xiaobo; Liu, Hong; Liu, Jianhui; Wang, Zhibiao; Liang, Yong; Huang, Haoran"

作者地址:"[Zou, Longquan; Zhang, Cai; Gong, Xiaobo; Liu, Hong; Wang, Zhibiao; Huang, Haoran] Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Biomed Engn, State Key Lab Ultrasound Med & Engn, 1 Med Rd, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China; [Chen, Wei; Fu, Guangqing; Han, Dengjun; Zeng, Xiang; Liu, Jianhui; Liang, Yong] Zigong Fourth Peoples Hosp, Dept Oncol, 19 Tanmulin St, Zigong 643000, Peoples R China; [Chen, Wei; Fu, Guangqing; Han, Dengjun; Zeng, Xiang; Liu, Jianhui; Liang, Yong] Zigong Acad Med Big Data & Artificial Intelligence, Inst Precis Med, Zigong, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Cai; Gong, Xiaobo; Wang, Zhibiao; Huang, Haoran] Chongqing Haifu Hosp, Dept Med Res, 1 Qingsong Rd, Chongqing 401121, Peoples R China"

通信作者:"Huang, HR (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Biomed Engn, State Key Lab Ultrasound Med & Engn, 1 Med Rd, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China.; Liang, Y (通讯作者),Zigong Fourth Peoples Hosp, Dept Oncol, 19 Tanmulin St, Zigong 643000, Peoples R China.; Liang, Y (通讯作者),Zigong Acad Med Big Data & Artificial Intelligence, Inst Precis Med, Zigong, Peoples R China.; Huang, HR (通讯作者),Chongqing Haifu Hosp, Dept Med Res, 1 Qingsong Rd, Chongqing 401121, Peoples R China."











文献类型:Article; Early Access

关键词:Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NET); prostate cancer (PCa); tissue acoustic environment (AET); pathology

摘要:"Background: Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NET) of prostate cancer (PCa) may alter the tissue acoustic environment (AET). The structure of tissue is an important factor affecting AET. The aim is to analyze changes in tissue structures after NET in PCa, focusing on calcifications, smooth muscle cells, and blood vessels.Methods: We collected 40 patients diagnosed with PCa by pathological examination between October 2020 and December 2022. Twenty patients who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) after NET were designed as the test group. Twenty patients without NET were assigned to the control group. Calcifications, smooth muscle cells and blood vessels were observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and Van Gieson (VG)-special staining respectively. Then the amount and acreage of calcified tissue, the number of smooth muscle cells and different types of blood vessels were quantitatively analyzed.Results: There was a subtle increase in the number (P=0.001) and the area (P<0.001) of calcification after NET. The total number of smooth muscle cells was significantly higher than that without NET (P<0.001). NET resulted in significantly fewer veins compared to those without NET (P<0.001). There was a little increase in the number of arteries after NET (P=0.001). The number of veins decreased was much greater than the number of arteries increased resulting in significantly fewer total vessels after NET (P<0.001). Conclusions: NET can lead to changes in calcifications, smooth muscle cells, and blood vessels within PCa tissues, which may cause alterations in AET."

基金机构:Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Ultrasound in Medicine and Engineering [2021KFKT019]; Key Project of Zigong Science and Technology [2022ZCYGY06]

基金资助正文:Funding: This work was supported by the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Ultrasound in Medicine and Engineering (grant No. 2021KFKT019) and Key Project of Zigong Science and Technology (No. 2022ZCYGY06) .