Parents' learning support and school attitudes in relation to adolescent academic identity and school performance in nine countries

作者全名:"Al-Hassan, Suha M.; Duell, Natasha; Lansford, Jennifer E.; Dodge, Kenneth A.; Gurdal, Sevtap; Liu, Qin; Long, Qian; Oburu, Paul; Pastorelli, Concetta; Skinner, Ann T.; Sorbring, Emma; Steinberg, Laurence; Tapanya, Sombat; Tirado, Liliana Maria Uribe; Yotanyamaneewong, Saengduean; Alampay, Liane Pena; Bacchini, Dario; Bornstein, Marc H.; Chang, Lei; Deater-Deckard, Kirby; Di Giunta, Laura"

作者地址:"[Al-Hassan, Suha M.] Hashemite Univ, Special Educ Dept, Zarqa, Jordan; [Al-Hassan, Suha M.] Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Author, Abu Dhabi, U Arab Emirates; [Duell, Natasha] Univ North Carolina Chapel Hill, Dept Psychol & Neurosci, Chapel Hill, NC USA; [Lansford, Jennifer E.; Skinner, Ann T.] Duke Univ, Ctr Child & Family Policy, Durham, NC USA; [Dodge, Kenneth A.] Duke Univ, Sanford Sch Publ Policy, Durham, NC USA; [Gurdal, Sevtap] Univ West, Ctr Child & Youth Studies, Trollhattan, Sweden; [Liu, Qin] Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Maternal & Child Hlth & Adolescent Hlth, Chongqing, Peoples R China; [Long, Qian] Duke Univ, Global Hlth Res Ctr, Kunshan, Peoples R China; [Oburu, Paul] Maseno Univ, Dept Educ Psychol, Maseno, Kenya; [Pastorelli, Concetta; Di Giunta, Laura] Univ Roma La Sapienza, Dept Psychol, Rome, Italy; [Sorbring, Emma] Univ West, Dept Social & Behav Studies, Trollhattan, Sweden; [Steinberg, Laurence] Temple Univ, Philadelphia, PA USA; [Steinberg, Laurence] King Abdulaziz Univ, Dept Psychol, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; [Tapanya, Sombat] Chiang Mai Univ, Dept Family Med, Chiang Mai, Thailand; [Tirado, Liliana Maria Uribe] Univ San Buenaventura, Dept Psychol, Medellin, Colombia; [Yotanyamaneewong, Saengduean] Chiang Mai Univ, Dept Psychol, Chiang Mai, Thailand; [Alampay, Liane Pena] Ateneo Manila Univ, Dept Psychol, Manila, Philippines; [Bacchini, Dario] Univ Naples Federico II, Dept Humanist Studies, Naples, Italy; [Bornstein, Marc H.] UNICEF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Natl Inst Adolescent Hlth &, Bethesda, MD USA; [Bornstein, Marc H.] Inst Fiscal Studies, Bethesda, MD USA; [Chang, Lei] Univ Macau, Dept Psychol, Zhuhai, Macau, Peoples R China; [Deater-Deckard, Kirby] Univ Massachusetts, Dept Psychol & Brain Sci, Amherst, MA USA"

通信作者:"Al-Hassan, SM (通讯作者),Hashemite Univ, Special Educ Dept, Zarqa, Jordan.; Al-Hassan, SM (通讯作者),Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Author, Abu Dhabi, U Arab Emirates."











文献类型:Article; Early Access

关键词:Parents' learning support; Parents' school attitude; Adolescent; Academic identity; School performance; Cross-cultural

摘要:"An important question for parents and educators alike is how to promote adolescents' academic identity and school performance. This study investigated relations among parental education, parents' attitudes toward their adolescents' school, parental support for learning at home, and adolescents' academic identity and school performance over time and in different national contexts. Longitudinal data were collected from adolescents and their parents in nine countries (China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States). When adolescents were 16 years old, their mothers (N = 1083) and fathers (N = 859) provided data. When adolescents were 17 years old, 1049 adolescents (50% girls) and their mothers (N = 1001) and fathers (N = 749) provided data. Multiple-group path analyses indicated that, across cultures, higher parent education was associated with better adolescent school performance. Parents' attitudes toward their adolescents' school and parent support for learning in the home were not associated with adolescents' school performance but were associated with academic identity. The findings suggest somewhat different pathways to school performance versus academic identity. Implications for helping parents and educators in different countries promote adolescents' academic identity and achievement are discussed."

基金机构:Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

基金资助正文:No Statement Available