Determination of elastic loss of piezoelectric materials by impedance curve fitting using intelligent algorithms
作者全名:"Gao, Yifeng; Xian, Xiaojun; Chen, Yinyin; Suo, Zhipeng; Xu, Jiang; Yang, Zengtao"
作者地址:"[Gao, Yifeng; Chen, Yinyin; Suo, Zhipeng; Yang, Zengtao] Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Biomed Engn, State Key Lab Ultrasound Med & Engn, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China; [Xian, Xiaojun] 26th Inst China Elect Technol Grp Corp, Chongqing 400060, Peoples R China; [Xu, Jiang] Univ Elect Sci & Technol China, Sichuan Prov Peoples Hosp, Dept Neurosurg, Chengdu 610072, Peoples R China"
通信作者:"Yang, ZT (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Biomed Engn, State Key Lab Ultrasound Med & Engn, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China.; Xu, J (通讯作者),Univ Elect Sci & Technol China, Sichuan Prov Peoples Hosp, Dept Neurosurg, Chengdu 610072, Peoples R China."
关键词:piezoelectric materials; elastic loss; impedance fitting; intelligence algorithms
摘要:"Understanding the loss parameters of piezoelectric materials is crucial for designing effective piezoelectric sensors. Traditional elastic loss parameter measurement techniques mainly rely on three methods: 3 dB bandwidth, impedance fitting, and ultrasonic attenuation. However, the elastic losses obtained through these methods are constant and frequency-independent, which does not align with the actual vibration characteristics of piezoelectric materials. Therefore, there is a need for a fast, accurate, and frequency-dependent method to obtain the elastic loss of piezoelectric materials. This paper introduces an approach that utilizes intelligent algorithms for fitting impedance curve to calculate elastic loss parameters. A frequency-dependent second-order energy loss model for piezoelectric materials is established. Then, a genetic algorithm is introduced to obtain the optimal elastic loss parameters. The results demonstrate a high consistency between theoretical and experimental impedances, with an error less than 5%. The elastic loss parameters obtained through intelligent algorithm-based impedance curve fitting match well with stress experiment results, with an error less than 6%. This method provides a rapid, accurate, and cost-effective way to obtain frequency-dependent second-order elastic loss parameters for piezoelectric materials."
基金机构:Program for Youth Innovation in Future Medicine of Chongqing Medical University; Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Education Commission [KJZD-M202300404]; Chongqing Postgraduate Mentor Team [cqmudstd202222]; [W0015]
基金资助正文:"This work was supported in part by the Program for Youth Innovation in Future Medicine of Chongqing Medical University under Grant W0015, Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Education Commission under Grant KJZD-M202300404 and in part by the Chongqing Postgraduate Mentor Team under Grant cqmudstd202222."