Magnetic Field-Optimized Paramagnetic Nanoprobe for <i>T</i><sub>2</sub>/<i>T</i><sub>1</sub> Switchable Histopathological-Level MRI

作者全名:"Huo, Linlin; Zeng, Jie; Wang, Zhenyu; Sun, Xin; Guo, Yu; Cao, Zhile; Zhu, Shiqi; Tan, Mingya; Li, Muyao; Chen, Xiao; Zhao, Zhenghuan"

作者地址:"[Huo, Linlin; Zeng, Jie; Zhu, Shiqi; Tan, Mingya; Li, Muyao; Zhao, Zhenghuan] Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Basic Med Sci, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China; [Wang, Zhenyu] Univ Elect Sci & Technol China, Sch Phys, Chengdu 610054, Peoples R China; [Wang, Zhenyu] Univ Elect Sci & Technol China, State Key Lab Elect Thin Films & Integrated Device, Chengdu 610054, Peoples R China; [Sun, Xin; Guo, Yu; Cao, Zhile] Army Med Univ, Daping Hosp, Dept Radiol, Chongqing 400042, Peoples R China; [Chen, Xiao] Army Med Univ, Daping Hosp, Dept Nucl Med, Chongqing 400042, Peoples R China"

通信作者:"Zhao, ZH (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Basic Med Sci, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China."












关键词:switchable MRI; inhomogeneous magnetic field; GSH level; LLG simulation; oriented attachment

摘要:"Traditional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents (CAs) are a type of ""always on"" system that accelerates proton relaxation regardless of their enrichment region. This ""always on"" feature leads to a decrease in signal differences between lesions and normal tissues, hampering their applications in accurate and early diagnosis. Herein, we report a strategy to fabricate glutathione (GSH)-responsive one-dimensional (1-D) manganese oxide nanoparticles (MONPs) with improved T-2 relaxivities and achieve effective T-2/T-1 switchable MRI imaging of tumors. Compared to traditional contrast agents with high saturation magnetization to enhance T-2 relaxivities, 1-D MONPs with weak M-s effectively increase the inhomogeneity of the local magnetic field and exhibit obvious T-2 contrast. The inhomogeneity of the local magnetic field of 1-D MONPs is highly dependent on their number of primary particles and surface roughness according to Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert simulations and thus eventually determines their T-2 relaxivities. Furthermore, the GSH responsiveness ensures 1-D MONPs with sensitive switching from the T-2 to T-1 mode in vitro and subcutaneous tumors to clearly delineate the boundary of glioma and metastasis margins, achieving precise histopathological-level MRI. This study provides a strategy to improve T-2 relaxivity of magnetic nanoparticles and construct switchable MRI CAs, offering high tumor-to-normal tissue contrast signal for early and accurate diagnosis."

基金机构:"National Natural Science Foundation of China [81971609]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [CQYC201905077]; Chongqing High-Level Personnel of Special Support Program (Youth Top-notch Talent) [CXQT21017]; Creative Research Group of CQ University [W0105]; Program for Youth Innovation in Future Medicine, Chongqing Medical University"

基金资助正文:"We thank W. Zhang and J. Fang from the Army Medical University and Y. Wang from the Chongqing Medical University for fruitful discussions. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81971609), the Chongqing High-Level Personnel of Special Support Program (Youth Top-notch Talent CQYC201905077), the Creative Research Group of CQ University (CXQT21017), and the Program for Youth Innovation in Future Medicine, Chongqing Medical University (W0105)."