Simultaneous determination of bicyclol and its two active metabolites concentration in rat plasma and application for pharmacokinetics study of bicyclol and optimized bicyclol-nanoparticles
作者全名:"Huang, Xucong; Wu, Zhenghua; Liu, Yanchao; Jia, Mengqi; Zhao, Wenjuan; Wang, Shuowen; Jiang, Xinhui; Lou, Yuefen; Fan, Guorong"
作者地址:"[Huang, Xucong; Lou, Yuefen] Tongji Univ, Shanghai Fourth Peoples Hosp, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, Shanghai 200434, Peoples R China; [Huang, Xucong; Jiang, Xinhui; Fan, Guorong] Chongqing Med Univ, Sch Pharm, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China; [Wu, Zhenghua; Liu, Yanchao; Jia, Mengqi; Wang, Shuowen; Fan, Guorong] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai Gen Hosp, Sch Med, Dept Clin Pharm, Shanghai 200080, Peoples R China; [Wu, Zhenghua; Zhao, Wenjuan; Wang, Shuowen; Fan, Guorong] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Pharm, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China"
通信作者:"Lou, YF (通讯作者),Tongji Univ, Shanghai Fourth Peoples Hosp, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, Shanghai 200434, Peoples R China.; Jiang, XH; Fan, GR (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Sch Pharm, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China.; Fan, GR (通讯作者),Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai Gen Hosp, Sch Med, Dept Clin Pharm, Shanghai 200080, Peoples R China.; Fan, GR (通讯作者),Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Pharm, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China."
关键词:Bicyclol; LC-MS/MS; Metabolites; Pharmacokinetics
摘要:"A simple, sensitive, and rapid LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of BIC, the M7 and M8 active metabolites in SD rat plasma was developed. After salting-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction (SALLE) with 5 M ammonium acetate solution, the sample was analyzed on a Sciences column (C18 3. 0 x 100 mm, 3 lm) using a gradient elution at 40 celcius within 7 min. The assay displayed excellent linearity in the range of 4-2000 ng/mL for M7 and BIC, and 1-500 ng/mL for M8. The results of this method exhibited that the precision, accuracy, matrix effect, recovery, and stability of BIC, M7 and M8 met all requirements for the quantitation in plasma samples. The pharmacokinetic result showed that the AUC(0-t) was calculated as 383.1 +/- 164.4 (ng/mL center dot h) for BIC, and 5627 +/- 1261 (ng/mL center dot h) for M7 after oral administration with BIC. Compared with BIC group, the pharmacokinetic parameters in BIC-NPs group were improved. Augmentation in AUC(0-t) (3.02-fold) and t1/2 (1.43-fold) for BIC. Meanwhile, double peak phenomenon was observed on the mean plasma concentration-time curves of M7 in BIC and BIC-NPs group. In conclusion, both BIC and BIC-NPs were metabolized to abundant M7 in SD rat, which would provide a basis for researching the treatment mechanism of liver injury.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ("