The relationship between inflammatory response markers and the prognosis of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and the development of a nomogram model
作者:"Yi, XP; Pi, JC; Liu, C; Xiong, YJ; Liu, JJ; Fu, WY; Wang, LX; Zhao, T"
通讯作者:"Zhao, T (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Urol, Yongchuan Hosp, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY  卷:13  页:8  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Potential candidates for liver resection in liver-confined advanced HCC: a Chinese multicenter observational study
作者:"Bai, TT; Wang, EX; Zhao, SJ; Han, DD; Zhao, Y; Chen, H; Zhu, J; Han, TH; Bai, Y; Lou, YJ; Zhang, YC; Yang, M; Zuo, L; Fan, JH; Chen, X; Jia, J; Wu, WB; Ren, WR; Zhu, YJ; Ma, SZ; Xu, FH; Tang, YX; Du, XL; Zhao, JL; Li, J; Qi, XS; Han, Y; Chen, DF; Liu, L"
通讯作者:"Chen, DF; Liu, L (通讯作者),Third Mil Med Univ, Dept Digest Dis, Daping Hosp, Army Med Univ, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Liu, L (通讯作者),Fourth Mil Med Univ, Dept Digest Dis, Tangdu Hosp, Air Force Med Univ, Xian, Peoples R China.; Han, Y (通讯作者),Fourth Mil Med Univ, Xijing Hosp Digest Dis, Xian, Peoples R China.; Li, J (通讯作者),Shanxi Med Univ, Dept Digest Dis, Shanxi Bethune Hosp, Shanxi Acad Med Sci,Tongji Shanxi Hosp,Third Hosp, Taiyuan, Peoples R China.; Li, J (通讯作者),Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Hosp, Tongji Med Coll, Wuhan, Peoples R China.; Qi, XS (通讯作者),Gen Hosp Northern Theater Command, Dept Digest Dis, Shenyang, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY  卷:13  页:10  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Association between dietary intake of flavonoids and hyperuricemia: a cross-sectional study
作者:"Li, HL; Shi, L; Chen, XL; Wang, M"
通讯作者:"Chen, XL; Wang, M (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Key Lab Child Dev & Disorders, Natl Clin Res Ctr Child Hlth & Disorders, Chongqing Key Lab Pediat,Minist Educ,Dept Nephrol,, 136 Zhongshan Er Rd, Chongqing 400014, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:BMC PUBLIC HEALTH  卷:23  页:10  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL
Development and validation of cancer-associated fibroblasts-related gene landscape in prognosis and immune microenvironment of bladder cancer
作者:"Zhang, M; Zhu, JL; Zhang, P; Li, LX; Min, M; Li, TH; He, WY"
通讯作者:"He, WY (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Urol, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY  卷:13  页:13  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Activation of the microglial P2X7R/NLRP3 inflammasome mediates central sensitization in a mouse model of medication overuse headache
作者:"Wang, YY; Dong, L; Zhang, Y; Zhang, YX; Qin, GC; Zhang, DK; Chen, LX; He, W; Zhou, JY"
通讯作者:"He, W (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Neurol, Branch 1, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:NEUROSCIENCE & BEHAVIOR
Extensive genetic admixture between Tai-Kadai-speaking people and their neighbours in the northeastern region of the Yungui Plateau inferred from genome-wide variations
作者:"Wang, JW; Wu, J; Sun, QX; Wu, Q; Li, YJ; Duan, SH; Yang, L; Wu, WX; Wang, Z; Liu, Y; Tang, RK; Yang, JB; Wang, CC; Liu, C; Xu, JW; Wang, MG; He, GL"
通讯作者:"Wang, JW (通讯作者),Guizhou Med Univ, Sch Forens Med, Guiyang 550004, Peoples R China.; He, GL (通讯作者),Sichuan Univ, West China Hosp, Inst Rare Dis, Chengdu 610000, Peoples R China.; Wang, MG (通讯作者),Sun Yat Sen Univ, Fac Forens Med, Zhongshan Sch Med, Guangzhou 510275, Peoples R China.; Xu, JW (通讯作者),Guizhou Med Univ, Sch Basic Med, Dept Pharmacol, Guiyang 550004, Peoples R China.; He, GL (通讯作者),Sichuan Univ, Ctr Archaeol Sci, Chengdu 610000, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:BMC GENOMICS  卷:24  页:17  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS
Mitochondrial damage-induced abnormal glucose metabolism with ageing in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 mice
作者:"Li, SJ; Wang, YY; Zhang, X; Xiong, XM; Zhou, FL; Li, XJ; Fan, JN; Liang, X; Li, GX; Peng, Y; Li, Y"
通讯作者:"Li, Y (通讯作者),Chongqing Univ, Canc Hosp, Chongqing 400030, Peoples R China.; Li, Y (通讯作者),Chongqing Univ, Chongqing Key Lab Intelligent Oncol Breast Canc iC, Canc Hosp, Chongqing 400030, Peoples R China.; Li, Y (通讯作者),Chongqing Univ, Dept Pathol, Canc Hosp, Hanyu Rd, Chongqing 400030, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:METABOLOMICS  卷:19  页:14  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
"The indirect impacts of nonpharmacological COVID-19 control measures on other infectious diseases in Yinchuan, Northwest China: a time series study"
作者:"Liu, WC; Wang, RN; Li, Y; Zhao, S; Chen, YG; Zhao, Y"
通讯作者:"Zhao, Y (通讯作者),Ningxia Med Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Yinchuan 750004, Ningxia, Peoples R China.; Zhao, Y (通讯作者),Key Lab Environm Factors & Chron Dis Control, 1160 Shengli St, Yinchuan 750004, Ningxia, Peoples R China."
来源出版物:BMC PUBLIC HEALTH  卷:23  页:12  出版年:2023
文献类型:Article  影响因子:3.5  JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate restores mitochondrial homeostasis impairment by inhibiting HDAC1-mediated NRF1 histone deacetylation in cardiac hypertrophy
作者:"Li, G; Pan, B; Liu, LF; Xu, XH; Zhao, WA; Mou, QH; Hwang, N; Chung, SW; Liu, XL; Tian, J"
通讯作者:"Tian, J (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Cardiol, Childrens Hosp, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Tian, J (通讯作者),Natl Clin Res Ctr Child Hlth & Disorders, Chongqing, Peoples R China."
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q3  ESI学科分类:MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS
"Biofabricated gold nanoparticles from Ammannia baccifera as potential antimicrobial, mosquito larvicidal activity, and alter immune response in zebrafish embryo"
作者:"Suman, TY; Jia, HJ; Yin, SP; Wei, XY; Hu, H; Bu, LK; Yang, G; Pei, DS"
通讯作者:"Pei, DS (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China."
文献类型:Article; Early Access    JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:ENGINEERING
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