Neurosurgical short-term outcomes for pediatric medulloblastoma patients and molecular correlations: a 10-year single-center observation cohort study
作者:Zhang, ZY; Wu, YX; Zhao, XL; Ji, WY; Li, LS; Zhai, X; Liang, P; Cheng, Y; Zhou, JJ
通讯作者:Zhou, JJ (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Neurosurg, Childrens Hosp, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Zhou, JJ (通讯作者),Natl Clin Res Ctr Child Hlth & Disorders, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Zhou, JJ (通讯作者),Minist Educ, Key Lab Child Dev & Disorders, Chongqing, Peoples R China.; Zhou, JJ (通讯作者),Chongqing Key Lab Child Neurodev & Cognit Disorder, Chongqing, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW  卷:47  页:13  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2.5  JCR分区:Q1  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Perception of diagnosis by family caregivers in severe brain injury patients in China
作者:Yan, YF; Li, MQ; Annen, J; Huang, WS; Cai, TT; Wang, XY; Hu, XH; Laureys, S; Di, HB
通讯作者:Di, HB (通讯作者),Hangzhou Normal Univ, Int Unrespons Wakefulness Syndrome & Consciousness, Hangzhou 310036, Peoples R China.; Di, HB (通讯作者),Hangzhou Normal Univ, Sch Basic Med, Hangzhou, Peoples R China.; Di, HB (通讯作者),Hangzhou Normal Univ, Dept Radiol, Affiliated Hosp, Hangzhou, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:BMC PALLIATIVE CARE  卷:23  页:9  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2.5  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL
A Preliminary Study on the Application of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Children With Peripheral Neuroblastic Tumors
作者:Wang, T; Han, D; Xiao, H; Yang, H; Chen, JY; Tang, Y
通讯作者:Tang, Y (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Childrens Hosp, Chongqing 400014, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY  卷:50  页:7  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2.4  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Characterization of cells in blood evoked from periapical tissues in immature teeth with pulp necrosis and their potential for autologous cell therapy in Regenerative Endodontics
作者:Zheng, CX; Jiang, PR; Hu, S; Tang, Y; Dou, L
通讯作者:Dou, L (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Stomatol Hosp, 426 Song Shi Bei Rd, Chongqing 401147, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY  卷:162  页:7  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2.2  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Application Value of a Novel Micro-Coil in High-Resolution Imaging of Experimental Mice Based on 3.0 T Clinical MR
作者:Qiu, XK; Liu, Y; Lv, FJ
通讯作者:Lv, FJ (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Coll Biomed Engn, State Key Lab Ultrasound Med & Engn, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China.; Lv, FJ (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Dept Radiol, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:TOMOGRAPHY  卷:10  页:9  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2.2  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:
The causal relationship between vitiligo and autoimmune thyroid diseases: A bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis
作者:Chen, YH; Zhang, YX; Liu, WS; Huang, XH; Luo, XY; Wang, H
通讯作者:Luo, XY; Wang, H (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Dermatol, Childrens Hosp, Chongqing 400014, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY  卷:30  页:8  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2  JCR分区:Q3  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Optimal intraventricular hemorrhage volume cutoff for predicting poor outcome in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage
作者:Deng, L; Zhang, JT; Lv, XN; Li, ZQ; Chen, C; Hu, X; Yin, H; Yang, TN; Zhang, ZH; Li, Q
通讯作者:Li, Q (通讯作者),Anhui Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Dept Neurol, Hefei 230601, Anhui, Peoples R China.
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2  JCR分区:Q3  ESI学科分类:NEUROSCIENCE & BEHAVIOR
Cognitive function of children with biliary atresia after primary living donor liver transplantation
作者:Wang, TG; Hu, Y; Zhang, ZZ; Dai, XK; Zhang, MM; He, Y; Li, YC
通讯作者:Li, YC (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Natl Clin Res Ctr Child Hlth & Disorders, Key Lab Child Dev & Disorders, Dept Hepatobiliary Surg,Childrens Hosp,Chongqing K, Chongqing 400014, Peoples R China.; Li, YC (通讯作者),Capital Med Univ, Beijing Childrens Hosp, Natl Ctr Childrens Hlth, Dept Gen Surg, Beijing 100045, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:BMC PEDIATRICS  卷:24  页:8  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:CLINICAL MEDICINE
Effects of mother-infant skin-to-skin contact on mother-infant relationship and maternal psychology feelings: A qualitative study
作者:Feng, XY; Zhang, YQ
通讯作者:Zhang, YQ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Psychol, Res Ctr Adolescent Personal & Hlth, Beijing, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:NURSING OPEN  卷:11  页:15  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2  JCR分区:Q2  ESI学科分类:
Guanylate-Binding Protein 1 (GBP1) Enhances IFN-α Mediated Antiviral Activity against Hepatitis B Virus Infection
作者:Li, YD; Luo, HY; Hu, XX; Gong, JJ; Tan, GL; Luo, HT; Wang, R; Pang, H; Yu, RJ; Qin, B
通讯作者:Qin, B (通讯作者),Chongqing Med Univ, Dept Infect Dis, Chongqing Key Lab Infect Dis & Parasit Dis, Affiliated Hosp 1, Chongqing, Peoples R China.
来源出版物:POLISH JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY  卷:73  页:19  出版年:2024
文献类型:Article  影响因子:2  JCR分区:Q4  ESI学科分类:MICROBIOLOGY
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